Saturday, January 5, 2013

As noted in the post below, I have not been blogging here as often as I should. Part of that is because my schedule does not always allow me to attend all the meetings. I encourage others to send me material to include in these posts and we can have this become a much more active communication medium.


  • A review of an RFSS meeting
  • A promotion of a concert you will be giving (RFSS members only)
  • A recommendation of a music-related product
  • An announcement of an upcoming music event (for the public)
  • A recap of a festival, concert, or other music-related activity
  • An advertisement of a music-related service or product (CDs for sale, music lessons, etc.)
  • An experience (with or without a lesson learned) from your music involvement
  • Recommendations for or reviews of music-related websites
And I know folks can come up with many more. Email them to me - Jean Hibben - and I will post them here (editing done as needed and no offensive or political rhetoric will be posted). Come on, RFSS members, help me out!

It's been over 2 years since I posted something on this blog! Where has the time gone?

The good thing . . . music is continuing whether I blog or not! And we have had a lot of music over the past couple of years.

The Riverside Folk Song Society is now gathering on the first Thursday of each month at the Riverside Art Museum at 3425 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside, CA 92501.

This is as part of their Art Walk event each month, beginning at 6pm.

Please note: this does not replace our monthly meetings, usually held in private homes of our members on the third Saturday of each month. We welcome newcomers but do not publish the locations on the public blog. To find out where the next meeting will be held or to get your name added to the mailing list, please contact Jennifer Goupil.

So come join us, sing a song, play along, or just listen.